Kamis, 05 Februari 2015

The Third Winner !!

Setelah lama vakum menulis di dunia blog dikarenakan kesibukan kampus, kini aku hadir kembali untuk menceritakan beberapa hal yang terjadi dalam hidupku. Sesuatu yang gak penting mungkin bagi orang lain. Tapi sesuatu yang menyenangkan bagiku bisa berbagi tulisan dengan orang lain, walau pun hanya sekedar tulisan yang isinya sekedar cuirhatan gak penting. But, sure that you always stay here to read some of my story. Mana tau, ada tulisan yang bermanfaat bagi kamu. Hihii..

Okay, let's start the story in this page! Jadi ceritanya gini, sekitar beberapa bulan yang lalu (entah November entah Desember 2014) aku kembali terjun ke dunia speech contest. Yap, gak jauh beda dengan tahun sebelumnya (red: 2013), yang ngadain masih fakultas yang sama. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Riau. Masih dalam event yang sama dengan tahun 2013, yaitu Enginering Expo. 

Kalau tahun 2013 aku berhasil meraih juara 1, kali ini turun 2 tingkat alias juara 3 ;') Sedih? Tentu. Kecewa? Gak juga sih. Karena emang wajar rasanya dapat juara 3. Saingannya berat-berat , sedangkan aku kecil (nah lho? -_- ). Berat dalam artian bukan berat badan sih. Hahhaa.. Tapi emang berat dari segi kemampuannya. Kebanyakan peserta yaah seperti biasanya adalah mahasiswa/i yang notabenenya adalah english student. Sedangkan aku adalah satu-satunya Physics Student ;')

Berbekal dengan persiapan kurang lebih 3 hari, dengan rasa percaya diri aku daftarin diri dan tampil dengan undian nomor urut 4. Waktu itu Hari Rabu (kalau gak salah), bertepatan dengan mata kuliah praktikum elektronika dasar. Jadi, curi-curi waktu pagi hari ke fakultas teknik buat ikutan lomba. Siangnya balik lagi ke labor untuk ikut praktikum elektronika dasar. Pas lagi praktikum, tiba-tiba ditelfon sama panitianya. Beliau bilang aku lolos ke babak final dan bakalan presentasikan pidato dengan topik baru yang mereka kasih. Otomatis shock dan langsung minta izin ke asisten dosen buat presentasi di Fakultas Teknik.

Sampai di tempat, dapat undian 1, langsung dapet mossi ‘Fuel Price Make Citizen Suffered’ . Of course I am nerveous, I must speak English spontanely in front of all people -__- And finally I get the third winner :’) Whereas, last year I got the firs winner. But , its okay, no problem. Alhamdulillah, I get many lesson from this event.
Thanks to Allah Swt, fabiayyialaairabbikumatukazzibaan.. ;')

Nah, begitulah kira-kira cerita singkatnya.
Ini dia pidato yang aku bawain pas babak penyisihan. Semoga dapat membantu sebagai referensi bacaan bagi pembaca yang suatu saat nanti ikut speech contest :)

The honorable , all of the adjudicators
The honorable, all of the comitte of speech contest
The honorable, all of the participants and all of the audiences

            First, I would like to thanks to the MC for giving me the time for standing up in front of you all in order to present my speech with title “The Role of Modern Adolescence for Safing Indonesian Culture Heritage “.

            The honorable adjudicators, ladies and gentleman..
            As we know that since a long time ago Indonesia has been famous with its variety.  Because, we know that Indonesia consist from 34 province that spread from Sabang until Merauke.  There are a hundred or maybe more ethnics in Indonesia.  From this ethnics, it produce a different culture one each other. Because of that, Indonesia has many cultures heritage. Indonesia has 34 folksong, 34 traditional dance, 34 traditional food, 34 traditional costume, etc.

       Based on the data of Indonesia Culture Minister 2014 state that there are about 67.000 Indonesian culture heritage. Indonesia Culture Minister 2014 also state that there are about 13 Indonesian culture heritage that is admited by UNESCO. They are 7  heritage objects and 5 heritage not objects. One of them that is the most famous is batik. UNESCO state batik as one of the world heritage since 2 October 2009. Moreover, based on the data of UNESCO 2009 state that there are about 27 of Indonesian culture heritage that include to tentative list in UNESCO. It clearly proves that Indonesia is one of the best country with its culture heritage in the world.

           But, the question now is how are the condition of our culture heritage today in our country? We can remember that a view years ago all of the Indonesian people’s moods were not in good condition because of the cultures we have. It is because of the heritages of our ancestors belonged to us were unashamedly claimed as Malaysian’s. Malaysia claimed Reog Ponerogo, Rasa Sayange, Angklung, Batik, Tor-tor as their culture. Whereas, all of that are our culture, not Malaysian’s.

            The honorable adjudicators, ladies and gentleman..
            From this case, we should submit the question, why can it be happen? There are three answer. First, because Indonesia does not give the patent to our heritage culture. The second is Indonesian people is less to love our culture. And the last is is because Indonesian modern adolescence is less interesting to conserve Indonesian culture.

            But, in this moment I only explain you about the last point. Because, the important point is the third point, that is about the modern adolescence.  As we know that Indonesia is included to the part of globalization in this modern era. So, I think we can say the adolescent in our country are included to the modern adolescence.

        Today, the modern adolescence in Indonesia are not interested to study about our culture. Whereas, we know that modern adolescence is the next generation of our country. In this modern era, if we ask the adolescent about Indonesian culture, maybe they will confuse to mention some of Indonesian culture. Why? Because they don’t know which one that belong to the Indonesian culture. Why can it be? Because the modern adolescence of this nation, looks like not care at all to Indonesian culture.

             The honorable adjudicators, ladies and gentleman..
           The fact that we can’t refuse today is the modern adolescence prefer to foreign culture. It is proved from the fact that there are so many adolesenct in our country who prefer to watch korea drama, korea song or we call as K-POP, boyband etc. The modern adolescence also prefer to wear the clothes that is like people in foreign then Indonesian costume such as batik. Can we mention how many adolescent who love to wear batik? Maybe we can account by our finger, because the quantity of batik lovers is little.

           So, what is the solution from this problem? The answer is Indonesian people especially our modern adolescence should love and converse Indonesian culture heritage. Because, actually adolescent is the strength of this country. Modern adolescence is the next generation that will build this country. Then, what is the role of modern adolescence to safe our culture heritage? There are 5 points, they are :
1. The adolescent should will study about the culture of Indonesian.
2. The adolescent join with the culture activity, such as watch the performance that show Indonesian culture.
3. Modern adolescent can promote Indonesian culture with their social media, such as from facebook, twitter, blog, etc.
4. Modern adolescent should love to Indonesian culture, and love to consume or wear it.
5. Adolescent can make a community for culture lovers.

             The honorable adjudicators, ladies and gentleman...
             If all the solution that I give are done by us as the adolescent, the future of Indonesian culture heritage will be safe. Who else is going to maintain our cultural heritage if not us? So, let's us love and conserve Indonesian culture heritage. Let’s us show to the world that Indonesian modern adolescence are care with its culture.

           That is all my speech in this time. I apologize for all of my mistakes. Let’s be the best young generation, let’s safe Indonesian culture heritage in the modern era!

Ini pas sebelum dipanggil buat maju di babak penyisihan

Nah kalau yang ini pas babak final

I don't know what I said there. So nervous.. -__-

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